Laetare 2020
Text: Exodus 16:2-21, John 6:1-15 Sermon Preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Baltimore, MD Over the past few weeks, our lives have been engulfed with news of the coronavirus named COVID-19. The spread of this virus has occurred at lightning speed throughout the world. On the one hand, this is partly due to the increased ease of travel across the globe. On the other hand, the virus is new, and we don't have treatments or vaccines for the virus. The result has been a world that is reeling and feeling vulnerable and, in many ways, feeling fearful and scared for the days ahead. As you look around and as you examine yourselves, has the current pandemic revealed you trust in God to carry you through this time of tribulation? Do you have faith your heavenly Father will provide for the needs of this body and life as you confess in the First Article of the Creed? Is your hope anchored in the knowledge of the death and resurrection of Jesus upon the cross? Do you co...