Sermon + Palm Sunday + 2021

Text: John 12:12-19 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. An NPR reporter recently asked Twitter followers to use the hashtag #TheMoment to share where they were and what they were doing nearly one year ago when they realized they were now living in a pandemic. Many responses included photos of individuals grocery shopping amidst empty shelves – as pandemonium led to shelves with no canned goods, not a shred of toilet paper to be found, and a void where cleaning products use to exist in excess. For others, #TheMoment was when the classrooms went empty, and teachers were forced to package their students’ belongings into bags to be gathered by parents. One at a time, parents collected those belongings at school as they determined how to divide their attention between work and ensuring their children completed their studies. Yet, for others, the moment was more profound as the government ordered distance between people, caused iso...